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Milk from another source

Friday marked the fourth anniversary of Calvin's arrival.  Mostly the day came and went without much notice, but somewhere in the back of our minds we registered it as a milestone of sorts.  The back of our minds is really the only place where we have time to register such milestones anymore.  icecreamdowntownl.jpgCalvin has entered a new stage of being now that includes far more awake time during the day and, thus, far more "fussy" time (we say this in quotations because Calvin is still a good baby but has been "fussy" for him lately).  Another side to that has been the uprooting of our routine - for two nights in a row now he has awakened us twice and has been difficult to put back to sleep.  Thus has ended our four weeks of restful nights.  He's still worth it.  The weekend also brought Aunt Lonnie for a wonderful visit - a visit to Calvin, that is. We fully accept our own insignificance at this point, but at least we enjoyed ice cream, good meals and good company out of the deal.

But there were some noteworthy milestones this weekend. On Saturday, Calvin had his first trip downtown. jonbottlefeed.jpgBut today (Sunday) was a much bigger milestone day. Today, Calvin turned one month old, had his one-month portraits taken, and, even more significantly, had his first milk from dad. No, this wasn't some bizarre bio-mutation, but thanks to the marvels of  the breast milk pump, Jon was able to enjoy the feeding experience. This went exceedingly well. We were prepared for difficulties; Cortney watched through the window from outside on the deck, as it was recommended that she not be within Calvin's 20-foot "smellability" radius, so that he would be willing to accept this alternate milk source. But as it turns out, Calvin is a champion eater - no surprise there when you consider his super-baby growth - and Cortney was able to reenter the house and take pictures.

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