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Soynut butter. It's what's for lunch.

Doctors take all the fun out of life.  No peanut products until at least three years?  tooyoung1.jpgBut isn't that what all kids crave after a long morning on the jungle gym - a peanut butter sandwich, carrot sticks, and milk?  This is worse than no swimming for one hour after eating on a hot summer day at the lake.  But have no fear!  There are always work-arounds.  Every time we've fired up the stove to sear a veggie burger, popped a leftover dinner in the microwave, or preheated the oven to make a quesadilla tooyoung2.jpgwe've longed for the easy days, still a year away, of quickly slathering a piece of bread with that nutty, creamy concoction readily available in a (glass) jar, and now we have our answer.  Soynut butter.  No, it's not the same thing, but don't tell Calvin that - he has nothing to compare it to, and obviously he's in heaven with it.  Can't you tell by the soynut butter mustache?  It's his new favorite two word phrase, and it's what's for lunch.

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Reader Comments (1)

Hey Courtney! I also give Jack Sun Nut Butter- made from sunflower seeds. It's great!
May 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

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