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Library day

We take great pleasure in Calvin's love for books.  Yes, we've cultivated it some, reading to him in every quiet moment, and making sure that he sees us reading books for our own enjoyment regularly, but in addition to our own endeavors he must have been born with a propensity towards this recreation.  It's not every two year old who, on a visit to the library, will shirk his duty to the surplus of brightly colored toys littering every available surface for a chance to curl up on a window seat with a good book (and only sometimes his mother).  It may be more common than we think, but we're taking our cues from the cacophony of rowdy pleasure in the children's section, in contrast to the ever available amount of seating in the same, and deciding otherwise.  In any case, we are most definitely pleased with our son's obsession, not just with the library, but with the books within it.

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