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Rain boots

New rain boots.

They took us to the park.

They took took us through the muck to the path,

where we drew and observed nature.

They took us into the meadow,

through fields of muck where we could track the raccoons,

and the dogs and the deer ("look, mommy, this deer was here after that dog." "Good, little boy, we'll become trackers yet").

They took us down to the pond, where we found an animal foot path, a muskrat lodge (look closely!), and beauty in general.

New rain boots took us lots of places we couldn't otherwise have gone. And since you can clearly see that Calvin still fits in last year's awesome rain boots, you might have guessed by now that the new pair belongs to me.

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Reader Comments (5)

Wow, these are great. Could I have a copy of the picture with Calvin in the tree please ?
Also, I think you should enlarge and frame the picture of the tree with the fungus growing on it. Excellent job as usual. Love your site.
March 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermom
What a wonderful time you two have had!
Love the boots. Looks like a lot of fun connecting.
March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSecret Mom Thoughts
You have to love a new pair of rainboots and all the adventure you can have with them. Lovely photos :)
April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke (siayla)
Yes, I totally agree. Rainboots are very special exploring companions and a new pair always means new adventures to be had together. Lots of fun you guys had in nature. I really love that photo of the tree with the fungi growing on it. So beautiful.
April 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

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