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Where you are

Days go by, years go by. It is hard to remember the children we once were, or the teenagers, sometimes even the young adult years are beyond grasp, but the memory of friendship is one that rarely fades. As we grow and change we can easily lose sight of the connections from our youth, but reunion with friends is a sweet moment, even if brief. We gathered today at a nearby lake with friends from my past. Sixteen years ago we graduated together, and today we reconnected to laugh and chat and watch our children play. From one generation to the next.

Childhood friendships do not always go with us into adulthood—we lose touch, we grow in different directions, we start families at different times or in different ways—but respect and fondly shared memories are a good basis for rekindling, or an enjoyably spent afternoon. Thankfully it was neither 90+ degrees nor storming, and the afternoon was breezy and comfortably cool as we gathered near the play structure to watch the kids weave in and out while we caught up on current life news. The past can rear up and bite with regret, or nostalgia can bring a pain of longing, but enjoying the people we've become and the generation we've created brings a heady feeling of contentment and ability, and a sense of being right where you should be. And at the end of the day, where you are really is where you should be.

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