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One more: a choral performance

Theater on Friday, piano on Saturday, choir on Sunday. It was a performance heavy weekend, which is just another way to measure the year and know this marks the end of sessions of all kind. The choral performance on Sunday wasn't actually the Boychoir's end of year show, though (that will come in June), this was a presentation of local art groups in a tiny nearby town. We enjoyed a nice country drive out to the don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it town about a half hour away. The turn out was surprisingly large, and the concert was very good. It was clear to Jon and me how much Calvin learned throughout his first year of choir. Even better, it was clear how much he enjoyed the entire experience. He stood up tall and proud, he was clearly focused the whole time, and he looked not only like he enjoyed singing, but also like, perhaps, he knew what he was doing. He sang his songs with confidence and proper shaping, he moved just a little with feeling and rhythm.

We were impressed, and proud. I was pretty sure it was bias, and it might be, but after the concert there was no counting the number of people who stopped us to tell us how sweet our son was up there, and how very talented, too.

Photos by Mike Austin, from the Manchester Mirror.

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