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Entries in spring (121)



We began a new adventure today. We put the middle ages to bed over a week ago (although I only just posted the finishing touch today), and we've been exploring Spain a little, but other than the connection we have to people who are there right now, and Calvin's near obsession with Don Quixote (which really had more to do with knights than with the country), Spain as a subject just isn't imagination grabbing. Then Calvin talked me into a new book yesterday, Dinosaurs Before Dark, and I figured we'd be going further back time. As it turns out, dinosaurs are interesting, and the volcanoes are even more so. We made a special library trip today to pick up armloads of books and a couple of videos on both subjects and he spent most of the afternoon immersed in volcano studies. One of the books he picked out is an earth science experiments book. I can't wait. I've had my vinegar and baking soda stocked up and ready for a while now. Maybe even years.

And today was the first day in well over a week that made me want to get outside. It was even warm enough to sit on the garden swing and read. We discovered that flowers are coming up, the trees are budding, and the deer have been visiting. I'd guess this means they're hard up for food, since we are not right next to the woods and they only rarely come out this far. Thankfully everything we have looks un-nibbled. Don't look too closely at all the weeds and whatnot. They are just those yearly reminders, one of those nagging reminders of work that must, absolutely must get done. At least it is enjoyable work, but unfortunately it requires two hands.

Checking the rain gauge—we got upwards of an inch of rain over the past few days.

And we ventured back out on our neighborhood path today.

And Cookie is thankful that the front door is open once again, but don't try to look through the glass. That's just another of those nagging reminders that surfaces in the spring.


Patience is a difficult virtue

The temperatures climbed all the way into the forties today for the first time in nearly a week, this on the heels of snow, ice, and violent storms, a day each and in quick succession. The weather is being down right weird.

About the word weird, Calvin read a book to me today while we were grocery shopping (this is a fun way to grocery shop, by the way), and in so doing came across the word "weird" which he first asked how to pronounce, and then, before I could answer, said "oh wait, I know that one, that says 'weird.' In this family one just has to know that word." The somewhat elderly lady standing nearby in the squash seemed to find that hilarious. I found it interesting not because he called me weird, but because he was speaking with the sentence structure of Baum's Oz books, but reading to me from A. A. Milne's original Winnie-The-Pooh. I think I prefer it that way around, as opposed to his reading the Oz books with Eeyore-like gloominess or Pooh-like inanity.

I suppose it's a hazard of the hobby. We are, after all, actively reading six books between the two of us, not including the audio book I listen to while running. Calvin is working through the original Winnie-The-Pooh and Dinosaurs Before Dark, and I just started Journey to the End of the Night and The Monk in the Garden, plus the Prose Edda, and I am still reading Oz aloud. Quiet times are a whole new joy now that Calvin is reading so independently.

We're also still traveling through Spain to some extent, and today we got a picture from the actual travelers of a fantastic castle they just visited on the road to Barcelona. Perhaps if we box ourselves carefully enough we can join them?

And my hand is continuing to heal, but what they say about age and healing is true, and the going is slow. It has taken me a half-hour to pick out this post with the working fingers I have, which is why I've stuck to mostly short and sweet as of late, but I've missed writing, so here I am. It's the little things I miss the most, like fluid typing, adept chopping for dinner preparation, and painless driving. That being said, it has been a real treasure to see just how helpful, how willingly helpful, Calvin is by nature. I have a pretty fantastic husband in that manner, too, and it really can't be long now, can it? I guess you can count that as two things I am eagerly awaiting—spring and usable fingers. Patience is definitely a difficult virtue.


That cat is on my map

Norman Mailer's apartment is for sale. It looks like a neat place to play, but maybe only if they sell it with the books, and I'd definitely want them to reinstall the rope swing and hammock that once hung from the ceiling. Then again, at 2.5 million dollars? I never really was a fan of his.

The snow was gone this morning, but in its place was a thin layer of ice. Thin, mind you, but as I type this it is hailing, and I'm really starting to wonder about spring.

Calvin's last class in the late-winter swim session was this morning. You hear that, spring? That was the last of the late winter classes.

He did really well, improved a lot, and had a great time. We'll repeat the preschool class at least once more, though, and I'm hoping to get him signed up for the spring session (hear that spring?).

And we spent some time in Spain today (we've done that for the past week, actually, but today I'm taking the time to two finger type about it). Mostly explored the map, and we also spent some time at the Prado. Books are wonderful, aren't they? They can take you just about anywhere.

Cookie really wanted to go with us, or else she has a thing about paper on the floor. I'll leave you to decide which of those is more likely, but we've all seen her getting friendly with paper before.


Saturday in pictures


The difference a day can make



Yesterday was beautiful. Not as warm as Sunday, but sunny and bright and warm enough to still be barefoot and free, and we spent most of it outside. Today started out a little rainy, so we spent the morning at the library and came home with books on Spain and stickers for building a spring garden. Calvin decided to finish up his folder on the middle ages with a pictorial how-to for making glass and a picture of knights jousting. He finished reading his book on knights, we read more Oz, he made his sticker garden, and that was about when the sun broke and we rushed outside to enjoy it.

I know spring is coming. The daffodils finally starting blooming today and the cowbird is back. I think I heard him on our walk a few days ago, too, his beautiful water-like tone, but I couldn't be sure, and then there he was today at our feeder. He is one of my favorite harbingers of spring.

Oh, and doves on the roof, sparrows in the tree, kid on the lawn, me in the driveway with a book. That was today.