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Easter enrichment at home

eggenrichment.jpgWe decided to prepare ourselves for our future role as parents with some practice Easter egg decorating tonight.  At least, that's our excuse and we're sticking with it.  And it sure was fun.  We have eggs with the names of each of our family members (including an egg for the pets and one for Raspberry), we have eggs with flowers, we have eastereggs.jpgeggs with dinosaurs and eggs with toothy lizards (watch out!), and we have eggs with random designs.  We used all the colors in the rainbow and then some, and we managed to keep our clothes clean and all the eggs whole.  It was a successful practice run then, or unsuccessful depending on how you look at it - maybe we aren't being as realistic as we could be about the mess a little one might introduce to the same activity, but we'll enjoy it while we can.

Happy Easter to all! 

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