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Thursday on vacation

There is only so much that I can write about while we're vacation. We're relaxing, we're soaking up the weather, which has decided to be beautiful for us, we're getting in touch with our Dutch heritage. We first started taking this now annual trip when Calvin was not quite a year old, which makes this our fifth go, and in that time we've developed a handful of traditions. We always have lunch (and beer samplers) at New Holland Brewing Company, and when the weather cooperates we walk along the beach to the State Park and channel opening. We did both of those things today, as well as visiting Marketplaats, watching Dutch dancing in the streets, and sitting in awe, long after dark, of the beautiful lightning display from storms out over the lake, storms that actually went north and south of us tonight. After Calvin was in bed Jon and I learned Carcassone, a new game that we picked up at a local toy store earlier.

They make wooden shoes on wooden sawhorses, which made Calvin think of Oz, of course.

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